Thursday, September 24, 2020

Slingshots, Dinosaurs, & Mud Soup

When is the last time you used a slingshot?  We got one out today and had fun.  We gathered some acorns and aimed for specific letters we are learning.  The garage was used to count dinosaurs, I had "mud soup" for lunch, and we all wore mustaches for the letter "Mm".  It was a good day!

Monday, September 21, 2020

P for Pumpkin

We picked some pumpkins today for the letter “Pp”.  The kiddos loved it and we were able to do some math and literacy lessons with them as well!  We made “Fairy Toast” from Australia for our breakfast and of course enjoyed everything in between.  I’m learning just as much as my students! 💜 


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Work Hard - Play Hard

We sure did work hard today but we sure did play hard...all of us!  We caught a frog, fed a granddaddy long legs to the chickens, counted, learned about the letter Gg, practiced writing our name, and lots more.  To end the day..I had a little student who began singing “Delta Dawn” as she went to feed the goats really can’t beat that!

Winding Down

I’m taking some end of the year photos to finish out our school blog!  I will be ordering “blog books” after our fundraiser ends.  We are pr...